Saturday 23 August 2008

AHIP Welcomes New Pro-Reform Ad Featuring Harry And Louise

�America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) welcomed a new ad campaign by a broad stakeholder coalition that urges the next president and Congress to lay health care reform at the top of the national agenda.

Sponsored by the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, the American Hospital Association, the Catholic Health Association, Families USA and the National Federation of Independent Business, the ads feature the fictional characters Harry and Louise.

Appearing with the sponsor organizations at a news conference at the National Press Club, AHIP President and CEO Karen Ignagni applauded their focussing on cooperation and consensus building.

"We fully support this campaign because the seeds of workable reform are deep-rooted in efforts like this: diverse stakeholders from across the spectrum working together to find common undercoat," Ignagni aforesaid.

"Over the past 2 years, AHIP's Board of Directors has developed a range of comprehensive policy proposals to ensure that all Americans have memory access to affordable, high-quality health care. Our plan is coverage you can yield, coverage you can keep, coverage for all Americans," said Ignagni.

"While offering solutions is important, we know that real progress will non happen unless stakeholders get to out and work together. That's why we are pleased to be here to loan our support as the AHA, the American Cancer Society, the Catholic Health Association, Families USA and NFIB come up together to launch this new campaign," said Ignagni.

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